Anastasiia Tychkova Front-End Developer

About me

Front-end Developer with experience building responsive websites and specializing in HTML5, SCSS, Vanilla JavaScript and frameworks Vue.js and React. I have hands-on experience with AWS services as I was migrating recently the current project from Inmotion to AWS! Now I am preparing to pass the Cloud Practitioner exam (yes, I had a great practice first before the exam itself ha-ha!) I really enjoy working both independently and within a team to deliver a quality product. Moreover, I keen on minimalistic and elegant design solutions for users - I study a lot of material on UI/UX and constantly work on my skills.


HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Responsive Web Design, Bootstrap 4, Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD


Javascript, Vue.js, Vuex, Nuxt.js, React, Redux


AWS: EC2, Cognito, S3 Bucket, Amplify


VCS: Github; CI/CD: Netlify; Build tools: Webpack, Parcel; IDE: Webstorm, Visual Studio Code

Featured Projects

Image with landscape photo

News Explorer

A full-stack news searching app where the user can search news, create the account and save news in his account. Used technologies Front-end: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS; Used technologies Back-end: AWS EC2, AWS ALB, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Celebrate/Joi.

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snapshot of the website


  • Used technologies: Next.js, React, AWS EC2, RDS, API Getaway, Route 53, AWS Cognito, AWS S3, AWS Amplify Console, Github.

Sanomind is a mental health wellness creator platform. All content is created by licensed counselors, therapists and psychologists. We call them our experts. Whether you’re looking for a little self-help or therapy, your journey starts here.

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Image with landscape photo

From Portland to Portland

A traveling guide leading the user to explore more highlights about an epic bicycle journey from Portland, ME. to Portland, OR.. Collaborated with designers on implementing responsive design elements on the webpage.

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snapshot of the website


  • Used technologies: HTML5, CSS, Vanilla JavaScript, REST API, Git

A user blog to upload favorite places with images and names to save the best life moments. The user can edit his name and occupation, as well as add new places as he explores the world. Documented bug reports and had a pair check code review for further improvements.

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cancer is treatable

Cancer is treatable

  • Used technologies: Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Git, Prettier, Strapi as a CMS tool, Netlify as CI/CD

Building a clone website for the non-profit organization about inspiring stories of people who has defeated cancer.

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snapshot of the website

Learning How to Learn

An educational landing page with multiple sections about various methods to obtain new skills. Brought mockups to life with the final result of a web page and CSS animation.

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